What are the genome-wide association studies?

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 Genome-wide association studies involve scanning large samples of genome obtained from many people using high-quality genomic technologies. The purpose of these studies is to find genetic variants that are linked with a trait or disease. Every SNP  For understanding the genetic framework of complex diseases, the use of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) studies is very essential.

Some of the benefits of Genome-wide association studies are listed below:

  • Discovery and identification of new variant traits and their association with diseases.
  • Information on the genotype that can be used in clinical applications to develop polygenic risk scores. These risk scores can then be utilized to detect, prevent, or treat diseases at an early stage. Also, the genotype information can be used in drug development, selection, and dosage.
  • Accessibility to large amounts of shared data, which can improving genetic testing of a diverse sample population.

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